IMA ŠESTERO DJECE, A KUĆA JOJ UVIJEK BLISTA: Duhovita blogerica (27) otkriva svoje trikove savršene organizacije

Život Krechelle Carter (27) nije nimalo jednostavan. Sa šestero male djece ona uspijeva održavati domaćinstvo u savršenom redu i kod nje je uvijek sve čisto i pospremljeno kao u katalogu.

Blogerica koja vodi stranicu “Eight At Home”, na duhovit način savjetuje kako sve imati pod kontrolom i nositi se s neredom. Nedavno je otkrila svoje male tajne uz pomoć kojih je toliko organizovana.

Djeca joj pomažu

Ova majka iz južne Australije nije jedna od onih koje skupljaju igračke za svojom djecom, već kaže da živi prema pravilu da djeca moraju pomagati u kućnim poslovima.

“Mi slikamo, gradimo utvrde, zaprljamo se vani; djeca se urnebesno zabavljaju, ali moraju počistiti za sobom”, napisala je Carter na blogu.

“Igračke se vraćaju na svoje mjesto, prljava odjeća ide u pripadajuću korpu, a djeca sama slažu svoje krevete. Ja nisam njihov rob. Moraju imati obaveze, i što je najvažnije, uživaju u njima.”

The mythical Mum poo It’s like a regular poo except they never happen. I literally don’t have time to poo. It gives “not giving a shit” whole new meaning. So you hold and you hold and then you become constipated but you can’t cry because somebody’s probably watching you poo. So you cry on the inside like a winner; And then you get hemorrhoids. Oh hemorrhoids you wonderful beautiful things. Butt cherries… again giving “bubble butt” a whole new meaning and I’m not being gansta’. It’s where your butt actually says hello to you. It’s an anal high five; parenthood; it’s magical. And then you have these tiny people that you have to watch always. So I always poo with the door slightly ajar. Your welcome visitors. And right when I about to get some action (of the bowel variety) someone runs through screaming telling me my three year old has scaled a bookcase and is drinking vodka. FML And then you can’t stop going. Because you ate spicy food Because you drank a bottle of wine. Because you had gluten and dairy and all the things that used to do nothing are now and internal flick of your poo switch. It’s been proven that your gut has links to being stressed. So every Mum out there is basically screwed. And I mean what’s more stressful than being a Mum. Right now I’m stuck inside with six children on a 42 degreee day; for 10 hours when everyone has given up napping. Which is why I’m on the toilet writing this right now. Ohhhh sorry Susan your too classy to use your phone on the toilet; liar. Mostly everyone’s done it. On one occasion or another. And I figure if my six children touch my phone; it’s not getting any dirtier at this point; they are tiny bacterial germ incubators. I’ve literally shit my pants before. Not before becoming a Mum. But now I have. You tiny blessings. I thought that the spinach smoothie was not sitting right and I thought I could hold it in; because I had four children in a trolley in woolworths and how the fuck do I poo with four children and a trolley And still hold on to my dignity. You can’t. Please if you want to read more it’s on my blog or FB. If you’ve gone this far you mite aswell! Krechelle X

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Redovno posprema

Carter kaže kako je njena kuća uvijek besprijekorno organiziovana jer je ona nemilosrdna prema stvarima koje zauzimaju mjesto, a ne služe ničemu.

“Imam samo posuđe koje redovitno koristim. Imam minimalno namještaja, dovoljno pokrivača za svakog od nas i to je to. Ne držim beskorisna s**nja”, priznaje. Ipak, svaki član porodice ima pravo na jednu ladicu s glupostima. Sve ostalo što nije valjano složeno ili je slomljeno “leti” van.

Razvrstava stvari

Kako joj se kuća ne bi pretvorila u džunglu, blogerica ima trik zbog kojeg je kod nje sve pravilno smješteno.

“Organizacija je ključ. Imamo ormarić za deke, kutiju za dinosaure, kutiju za umjetnička izražavanja, kutak za pakovanje darova, ormarić sa usisavačem, ormarić sa sredstvima za čišćenje – možete zamisliti kako to izgleda”, objašnjava.

One of the questions I get asked most is about our renovations! And I just love sharing them with you! I think that its unbelievable that you even want to see our little 1950’s home that were renovating on a budget! I just Love sharing with you guys. Here is my favourite room in the house, My bathroom! And before you ask these tiles are from @beaumont.tiles We got them for a massive 20 per cent off! They currently have 26 per cent of Every tile!! If you’ve been thinking about those house renovations now is the time to check out your tiles. Would you like me to write a blog on how I managed to renovate my bathroom! My bath, vanity and cupboard all coming in under $500? If so i’ll share a blog on it! Happy Wednesday Everyone! #ad @beaumont.tiles

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Iskorištava jutra
Mnogi roditelji s malom djecom znaju koliko je teško ujutro izaći iz kuće, a ne zaboraviti nešto važno. Osim što se brine da njeno najstarije dijete na vrijeme stigne u školu, ova zaposlena majka kaže kako nikad ne zatvara vrata neuredne kuće. “Uvijek se pobrinem da djeca namjeste svoje krevete i počiste svoje sobe. Ako nešto uprljaju, čiste to dok izlaze iz kuće”, priznaje. “Generalka” jednom sedmično Iako smatra da je važno svakodnevno održavati kuću, Carter jedan dan u sedmici odvaja za dubinsko čišćenje cijele kuće. Sve skupa traje oko dva sata, a u to vrijeme stigne pobrisati podove, oprati kupatila, sudopere, promijeniti posteljinu, pobrisati prašinu s namještaja, frižider i mikrovalne pećnice. “Pustite neku muziku koja vas motiviše i uhvatite se posla. Ja to volim raditi subotom ujutro”, otkriva.

This is one of my happy places. You wouldn’t even believe what this room used to look like. When we first moved in. It was wall to wall ply board cupboards the ceiling was covered in plastic panels and the whole room was brown. Bit by bit were renovating our dream home and turning it into exactly what we want. And I feel like every room has a piece of my heart. The kids rooms are next! And I can’t wait to show you all how they turn out. And then we’re tackling the front of the home. Which at the moment looks like and absolute tip we’ll get there bit by bit! Might need some tips from @frontporchproperties have you seen their renovations!!! I love love love them! Happy Thursday beauties hope your day was wonderful! Xx A post shared by Krechelle (@eightathome) on

Nema potrebe za usisavanjem

Blogerica ne vjeruje da se stalno mora izvlačiti usisavač. Ona radije koristi metlu kada nešto treba pokupiti s poda ili jednostavno pošprica dezinfekcionim sprejom tepihe. Svoju je metlu nazvala Peter i kaže kako joj je ona najbolji prijatelj.

“Koristim je poslije večere, kad god se nešto prolije ili prospe. Zatim samo odlijepim krpu s nje i bacim je na pranje”, priča.

Voli mirisne svijeće

Ova se zaposlena majka se kune kako mirisne svijeće dodaju notu luksuza u njenu kuću.

“Sladak miris je privlačan poput svježe protresena jastuka. Zbog njih vam kuća izgleda svježe i miriše na jabuke”, zaključuje duhovita majka i objašnjava kako, iako drži do čistoće u svom domu, ipak dopušta djeci da uživaju u blatu i drugim prljavim dječjim navikama.


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